Everybody has their own nightmares in life
and mine are being in a world without love
and seeing innocent people being hurt with
no reason. In my works I tried to explain
them from my point of view. I used acrylic
and some collage on my canvases.
all of them are amazing!!! especially the second one,i loved it!!!!!
Pelin you did a great job on all of them.. Is mouse really a nightmare for you:) I love them all but specially the lastt one.. u go girl:)
They are all gorgeous!!! i really loved them.Congratulations pelin, i think you should help me out sometime!! :)
ouaa...are these for sale???
i like them a lot..i should meet you
you should be very interest..
nice work..
How can i not be proud of my cousin??
I think it's almost impossible.I'm proud of you i think All of them are very creative and emotional even i felt like that and i dont understand shit from art.
ı love you pelin
pelin, i think you have used your creativity amazingly onece again. i believe that you have used great imagination and have chosen bright and powerful colors to express their meanings. they're deffinitely very interesting and as always special. great job!
Pelin you did a wonderful job all of them are amazing and unique. I like the mouse I thin thats the best one, continue pelos =)
Dear Pelin,
In my opinion, these are wonderful pictures that you have done. You used your imagination and creativity once more. In addition, everytime that I am looking your canvases, you make me see different emotions. Especially, I like the idea representing these in the web. With these imagination, I believe that you will be very successful in your life. Congratulations!
I liked all of them especially the first one. Keep going like this I believe you will be successful... :)
Even though i am not a fan of art these picture are stunning Pelin i love it great job.
I found all the pictures greaT but my favourite is the second one.I would like to congradulate you and wish you the best for the future...
good job!! the second one is amazing and very infuential..
lovely works. especially the last one. I can compose some music for it. inspirational !
These pictures are not good for your own sake people will be expecting even better then those so keep it up :). I`m not a big fan but I can see the Effort, Creativity and the pure desperation that you feeling when you face to a nightmare.
pelinimm,you will be a very succesful painter!you go girll=)
you have a gift and i hope you are going to be a great artist
bidik! i loved your drawings the best artist ever, i am a big fan
bidik! i loved your drawings, you are so successful i am so proud of you!! selos
good talent , good drawings , thought provoking ,like them all wish u luck
well done pelin.your paintings are so beautiful.ı am proud of you.ı hope you can achive all of your goals.love u. brother mert.
peliniko mu
love you a lot. you are the best
great job
best A+A+A+
what are these?
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